Friday 28 March 2008

This Thing Called Golf

Hey, golf is just a game. There is no need to get upset about it. Don’t take it out on your club. It will damage the fairway.
It is a strange game, with rules and etiquette. Just ask those players behind. They are always hitting balls over our heads.
It is a game where one may earn a lot of money. Just ask Tiger Woods. You can add up the numbers. Never in history have so few people lost so much golf balls to enable professional players to earn so much money. O.k., not all the money come from golf balls alone. There are endless number of corporations run by weekend hackers who are not unwilling to use other people’s money to sponsor four days of glory.
If you don’t play golf, stay away from groups of people who do. You will find that they will talk about anything so long as it is golf.
Golf sets are like cars. You buy a new set when a new model is available. In fact, the terminology is the same. You drive a car. You use a driver for those long distance hits.
Talk about distance, average golfers walk an average of 10 km playing a round of golf on a 6,000 metre long golf course. That’s right. Not a misprint. That’s why they are average golfers. Average golfers always tell you that golf is good for exercise.
It is also a game where you either have it or you don’t. Those who don’t have it are handicapped, whatever that means. The good thing is that those who have it can still enjoy a game with those who have not. In other words, those who are handicapped can play with those who are not. Do you follow what I am saying?
If you don’t play well after one year, you don’t really have it. I should know. I have been playing for years.
I am very sensible. I know it is just a game. There is no need to push the damn cart into the pond.
That's life. Till next time.

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