Saturday 21 June 2008

Life's Little Equations

Some famous person said “the meaning of life is the only fortune worth finding”. I still do not know the purpose of my life i.e. I have not found my fortune yet. How do we account for our lives, if at all we want to do that.

For example:

Gave more than you took.
Loved more than you rejected.
Made more friends than enemies.
Taught more from what you learned.
Gossiped less than you knew.
Ate less than you needed.
Bought less than you desired.
Did more favours than disfavours.
Helped more than needed help.
Earned more than you spent.
Saved more than you spent.
Smiled more than you frowned.
Created more than destroyed.
Planted more trees than you cut.
Served more than others served you.
Owned more than you owed.
Made more correct decisions than the wrong ones.
The big decisions were correct; the incorrect decisions were small.
Bought low, sold high, in everything.
Made more correct turns than wrong ones.
Had more new than second hand.
Recycled more than threw away.
Used the heart more than the head.
Discerned more than you saw or heard.
Complimented more than criticized.
Laughed more than cried.
Enjoyed more than suffer.
Hurt less, forgave more.
Gained more than you lost.
Wanted less, gave more.
Tolerated more, complained less.

What’s the bottom line?
That’s for you to add up.
Does it matter? I do not think you can take the score to the next world, if there is one. I have not been there yet, so I won’t know.
Perhaps it is what people will remember you by. Oh, he or she was a good person or a bastard. Memories are short, and history may or may not remember you after a while.

Life’s little equations - just feel good when it is time to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written.It tells what one can do to make life more meaningful.At the end of life,what do we leave behind may not matter but to "just feel good when it's time to go." is to say that one has no regret for a life one can celebrate, if not celebrated by history or others.