Thursday 3 April 2008

The Old Way of Losing Weight

More people are having weight problem. I do sympathise with them. So it is not a bad idea to share our (insignificant) experiences about diets and weight management.

I am not a heavy person, but five months ago, I found that I had put on six extra kilos and my health seemed to have been affected. I had added some inches to my girth and carried a small spare tyre (or beer gut, come to think of it) that I thought was impossible to get rid off.

My normal diet had some good and bad aspects. I do not usually consume sugar except for what is contained in my food. But I loved bread, butter, rice, pasta, pizza and generally have a high carbohydrate diet. I also enjoy chocolates, and deserts.

However I was able to shed 6 kilos in three months as well as got rid of my spare tyre. I am trimmer, fitter and feel good about myself.

There is no secret diet. No astronaut diet; no special diet; no starving and bingeing. Just old-fashioned weight reduction.

Initially, I started by eating only half the lunch or dinner that I normally take. Note: I eat the same foods. Initially it required a bit of getting used to. So I split my normal plate of food into two, and consume one portion. Initially I would get hungry after a while. So I would eat the other portion, perhaps 2 hours after the first portion. After a couple of days, my stomach seemed to have shrunk and I no longer had to eat both portions. One was enough. So I had succeeded in cutting down my food intake.

For exercise to burn up the calories, I walked about three kilometers (about 40 minutes) in the evening. Initially this was at a leisurely pace. After a few days, the legs were happy to pick up speed. This simple exercise can work up quite a sweat. On weekends, I may do the same walk two or even three times a day.

Do you know why it is good to walk before your meal? After the walk, your body requires water more than food, so you are likely to eat less.

After a week, my weight had started to go down. At some periods, I was even worried that the weight was going down too fast. I eventually lost about 7 kg i.e. 10% of my body weight.
With a fair bit of Easter chocolates, the weight has gone up one kilo. I am happy with 70 kg. I am much fitter and am able to climb up steps two at a time without efforts.

The simple principle is to burn more calories than you take into your body. So a bit of walking and a reduced intake will start to work in a wonderful way.

This was my way. No fees. No frill. No pain. Eat less. Keep walking.

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