Tuesday 1 April 2008

The Art of Living Simply

Footprints on the sands of time (see previous posting). Talk about carbon footprints.
Two days ago was Earth Watch Hour. Many cities around the world participated by switching off some lights for an hour.
There was also a show on TV called Outrageous Wasters which featured a family in England who generated five times more carbon dioxide a year than the average family. Predictably, the family turned greenie by the end of the show.

There is no reason why each and every one of us cannot be mindful of the environment.

Here’s the art of living simply.

Reduce the use of electricity – turn off lights, use energy-efficient machines,
Reduce the use of petroleum – use public transport, use fuel efficient cars, avoid the car if you can ride or walk, run a few errands on every car trip, share a car,
Recycle. Put papers, glass and metal containers for recycling.
Give away things you do not use anymore e.g. clothes, baby prams, chairs and tables, etc.
Share things so that things get utilized fully e.g. books, lawn mowers, etc.
Do everything in sufficient quantities only; no overcooking, less waste.
Slow down your consumption of things. Don’t buy a new thing as soon as a new model is available. Extend the life of everything..
Re-use things e.g. bricks, timber.
Consume local products which do not need to be freighted half-way round the world.
Grow your own food.
Waste nothing.
Encourage others to do the above.

Is this going to be the new way of life?
Will each individual in the world have a carbon dioxide emission account which will tell how much each generated each year?
Will there be a new capitalism that will lead to a sustainable world?

Till next time. Take care of yourself. And the world.

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